the day of salvation”.† But, alas, that you should not spend this time to more profit, wherein you might learn that by which you will live eternally hereafter! The time will come, when you will desire one day or hour to amend in, and I know not that you will obtain it. Ah, beloved, from great danger will you be able to free yourself, from great fear deliver yourself, if only you will be ever fearful and mindful of death!
Labor now to live so that at the hour of death you may rather rejoice than fear. Learn now to die to the world, that you may then begin to live with Christ.† Learn now to forsake all things that you may then freely go to Christ. Chastise your body now by repentance† that you may then have confidence.
Ah, fool, why do you think to live long, when you have not one day that is safe? How many have been deceived and suddenly snatched from the body! How often have you heard them saying: that man has fallen by the sword; that man has drowned; that man died while eating; that man has come to his end while playing! One perished by fire, another at the hands of robbers; and thus death comes to all, and man's life suddenly passes away like a shadow.† Who will remember you when you are dead?
Do now, my beloved, whatever you are able to do; for you know not